Children's Chores Chart

I had to take a quick time-out from my

craft room organizing

to share my boys' chores charts with you. 

One of my boys' jobs each night is to unload the dishes. The same question goes out every night:

"Who's turn to unload?" The answer? always the same... "not mine, I did it last night" and a second "not mine, I did it last night"  and a third "not mine, I did it last night" and then there's my 2 year old who chimes in...  "not me" in his own, 2 year old, words... {I have to admit, that part is pretty cute!}

So, the best way to avoid the question, all together, is to get their chores charts up and running: 

 I created and printed the chart

and found some clear inexpensive clipboards at Walmart 

My boys have their own little cubbies in our back entrance and I wanted to hang them there, so I added some ribbon for hanging.

I am EXCITED to Announce that I am SELLING these Chores Charts over on


Etsy Shop


You can find them {


}  I created a chart for boys and another for girls. Your choice of either blank or customized with your child's name and the list of chores.

find the boys charts FOR SALE {



and find the girls charts FOR SALE {



Hey, even if your not in need of some chores charts right now, pop on over to 

every now & again.  My plan is to be continually adding new items.

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And to each and every one of my followers/readers: Thanks so much for all the interest in my blog. It's only been 3 short months since Delightful Order launched & I am in awe of the amount of followers & the number of pageviews { just over 64,000 views } - it's completely exciting! and truly inspiring! & I want you to know how much I truly appreciate it. THANKS - Be Blessed!


Organizing Craft Ribbon


Craft Room Closet