Thankful Jar and a Free Printable
November brings Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving brings a time to reflect on the things that we’re thankful for. So I created this little thankful jar and a fun printable (free for you to download and use for personal use.)

It sits on my entry table.

Every time somebody in my home thinks of something they are thankful for, I told them to write it down on these little leaves.

I cut the leaves out of cardstock paper using my Cricut and the Stamping/Estampage cartridge.

We have so much to be thankful for in this life, even just the simple things.

During our Thanksgiving dinner, I plan on having everybody read from all the little leaves.

Because there is ALWAYS something for which to be thankful!
Simply print the pdf, frame and enjoy!
I’m thankful for many things, one being YOU, my wonderful readers!
What about you, what are you thankful for?