Labeling the Pantry
Hey there! Hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was a busy one. I attended a fun wedding shower with some great ladies, cleaned my house, worked on items for my
and I also started painting my laundry room. (More on that coming soon.)
Picking paint colors is not my favorite thing to do. I had the laundry room half painted and decided I didn’t like the color in there, so I got a new color and started over. I do that ALL.THE.TIME. You wouldn't even want to know how many rooms I've painted over. I think I'm just a tad too particular. ;) Picking colors just isn't my thing.
Give me an entire room (or house) and I’d be in my glories organizing the thing. I know it’s not for everyone, but I really enjoy taking a space and making it better, more organized, more efficient, clean, you get the idea.
Organizing is a LOT of work, IT IS! But the rewards that one receives from it is amazing. I know a lot of you who frequent my blog and have been inspired to bring order to your homes know this. I KNOW you know how much work it is and I KNOW you know how rewarding it is.
Let me just say… I LOVE to hear from you and to see how I’ve inspired you. Thank you for letting me know! For real, a blogger needs to hear this. That’s what makes it worth ALL the hard work that goes into a blog (and believe me, it’s a LOT of work.) So THANK YOU for lifting me up and encouraging me to keep on, keeping on! Truly, I appreciate it more than you know.
Okay, onto this post… I’ve recently spent some time creating new labels for my pantry.

and I like it. :)
Remember… this is how it use to look. I shared this area with you a while back. You can read my original pantry post

I do love the Tupperware Modular Mates.

and I love my pantry even more now with my new labels.

you get a gazillion labels...

You can attach the label to a bag with a clip if you don't have bins. This is what I do with the overflow.
I dream of a pantry with great built in shelves (not the wire ones) BUT when we were building, this was the way we chose to go. I don't know why.
I actually have a vision for what this pantry can look like. I'd put nice built-in shelves, maybe a counter top to store my toaster and blender and stuff. You know, I dream. Who knows, I may just make that happen one of these days. ;) I like projects that better an area.

I've been saying that I want to label the baskets in my pantry and I'm so excited to finally have it done.

and that’s it! My pantry has been brought to Delightful Order! :)
Want to bring your pantry, kitchen cabinets and such to Delightful Order with these labels?
You can find the
and find the 8
Oh and one more thing... I added some blank labels to the
too. Ones that you can either write directly on OR... you also get a PNG file that you can add text over... SO you can label your ENTIRE house!! :) Not just that, but these labels/tags work great for so many other things too. Hang from gift bags, backpacks, lunch boxes, you name it. Come over and check it out. More blank designs coming soon too.
May you be a little inspired!
Until next time,
Linking to some of my