Organizing my Bathroom Cabinets
I have this great built-in cabinet in my master bathroom. It’s so wonderful to have room to store all of the products that I use daily.

Recently, I re-organized this space with these Dollar Store containers and some fun shaped labels that I made. The labels are available in

Containing products for the face.


products for the body


products for the hair.

A place to put my make-up bag. I’ve already changed the bag, since taking these photo’s.

A place to store bubble bath and candles for relaxation,

and I have a few “extra’s” containers, as I stock up on products that I use often, especially if I find stuff on sale.

I also created a bin for my wrinkle releaser, lint collector and sweater de-fuzzers (not sure if that’s what they’re called.)

I love this Downy Wrinkle Releaser!! I use it every single DAY to de-wrinkle my jeans, slacks, sweaters, t-shirts, EVERYTHING. I dis-like ironing and hardly every do, since I’ve been using this wrinkle releaser. It is truly amazing! You can find it at Target and Wal-Mart with the laundry detergent, fabric softeners, etc. Go get some, I’m pretty sure you’ll be hooked, especially if you dis-like ironing as much as I do.

and some more Dollar Tree containers to store haircutting supplies and lotions and such for the hands and feet.
My hands are horribly dry in the winter months. When I have lots of cuts and splits (which is often during cold months) I load my hands with Vaseline, put on some moisturizing gloves (just picked some up at the Dollar Tree) and sleep with the gloves on. It’s totally not comfy, BUT by morning, my hands are amazingly healed, so it’s SO worth it!!

That’s it. My beauty supplies completely organized. It feels so great to be bringing Delightful Order to my home. I love it!!

Again, you can find these fun labels in my
How about you? Are you getting organized in twenty twelve? Whatcha working on organizing?
May you be a little inspired!
Until next time,
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