My Snow Village Christmas Decor Gets a New Home

You remember seeing my

snow village

in my past Christmas posts, right?

Do you remember that I was saying I'm simply running out of room to continue displaying it above my fireplace?  I talked about that in

this post here


My husband and I have a tradition that we started when we first got married.  It's to add something new every year. This year all I wanted was some larger trees and I got 4 of them at 60% off, so I was thrilled!

So being that I was running out of room, this year I had to find a new home for the village.

... and this is it!

This past summer I found these bookcase units on Craigslist for a great price.  There are actually 3 pieces that go together.  There's another piece (which is a TV armoire) that belongs in the middle of these two pieces.  

I have the bigger one in my craft room to store my photo's and such. (I hope to share how I've been organizing my photo's in the new year... It's been a massively HUGE job, but I'm making progress.)

Anyway.. these pieces were painted a dark brown when I bought them.  I knew that I would be changing that and painting them cream. I've had the right unit painted since last summer. So since then, this is the way they looked...

Yep, half way done. Since Last Summer. Talk about procrastinate huh? ;)

I knew this was where I wanted to display my snow village and in order to set it up, I made it a goal to FINALLY paint the left unit.  (It's a BIG.BIG. job.)

So last weekend, I finally painted it.  My hubby was gone with the boys (and these units are heavy) so I just painted it right where it was, I didn't even move it into the garage (which is where I usually paint furniture that I am redoing.) I just laid out paint cloths over the carpet and went to town redoing this thing.  Once my husband came home he did have to help me move it away from the wall so that I could get the sides and the very bottom.

and today... she looks like this.

here's a few close ups.

 we love it.


 and our boys totally LOVE it!

You can just see the boys' imaginations working, while they sit and gaze at each section...

 I'm betting they're wishing they lived there. :)

 This is the way it looks at night.

and again in the daylight.

So that's it, our new home for our ever growing Christmas Snow Village.

Come back next week to see more of my Christmas Decor and to view my 2012 Christmas Decor Home Tour.

May you be a little inspired!

Until next time,


Linking to some of my

favorite parties


Photo Frame Christmas Ornament / Table Name Tags


One Christmas Tree, Two Different Looks