February Challenge: Organizing Photos (Back Up)
Hi again! Welcome to another organizing challenge. If you missed any of the previous challenges, simply click the challenge tab at the top of my blog.
During the month of February we're organizing our photo collections. Last week I showed you how to organize those digital photos on your computer. Today, I'm sharing how I back everything up and protect my digital photos.
External Hard Drive Back Up
If you don't have an external hard drive, I highly suggest you get one. You can find many available { RIGHT HERE} in my Amazon store. I have a Seagate external hard drive and I use it to back up everything that I have on my computer, including my photos.
Creating CD'S & Storing them Safely
At the end of the year, I burn a cd that holds all of our family photo's for that year.
Storing the CD's in white cd envelopes, labeled all cutesy...
... super colorful huh? :)
I store them in these Fellowes brand cd binder sheets found {HERE}.
and they go into the back of my photo journal log. I showed you the photo journal log last week.
Online Back Up
There are many options for backing up your photos online. Personally, I use Shutterfly and Costco to order my prints. I have to upload my photos to their website to order them, therefore I have my online backup. I will go into further details on the actual prints that I order later on this month, including how I store and display them.
Turn the Old into New
Now for photos from "way back," long before there was digital photos (or as my boys would say, in the olden days ;) Remember those things called Slides & Negatives? Yes, let's talk about how we organize them.
Truly, I'm so excited about this one! I was chatting with my awesome aunt Mary a few weeks ago, looking for a little inspiration from her, and she told me about this little machine that turns your negatives into digital photos. Not only does it work with negatives, but it works with slides and roll film too.

It's called the ION FILM 2 SD 35mm Film and Slide Scanner and can be found on Amazon by clicking the source link above.
I did some research and I found out that Walgreens will do this for you too, as will some Costco's. I'll be taking the time to get the negatives that I have and turning them into digitals.
I can't wait until it's all done.
That's it! That's how I back up my photo collections and it feels so great to know that I have covered by bases and I won't lose our "precious memories."
Later this month, I'll go into further details about organizing printed photos and how I store and display them. Be sure to come back and check it out.
Now it's your turn to protect those photos, back them up TODAY and be sure to come back at the end of February to link to the photo organizing link party. Can't wait to see how you've organized your photos.
May you be a little inspired!
Until next time,