Organizing My Mom's Home Office

Hello All!  A little while back I organized my mom's home office for her. It took a few days of her and I working side by side, but we got if finished and she is loving the newly organized office.

Before I show you all of the after photo's, I want to first share all the



 I forgot to snap photo's before I actually starting removing items from the room

(I tend to get so "into" it, I forget to take the before photos.)

You can see that I had already started bringing items out into the hallway.

 Now that you have seen where it all started, Check out all the



 My dad had a little extra peg board kicking around, so I asked him to pop it up onto the wall.

 The peg board holds a lot of items...

 ... getting as much off the desk as possible.

I stole this large piece of artwork from my parents bedroom.  It fits really well above the storage units and brings a little height to the that side of the room (which is what that space needed.)

 Baskets hold software & software manuals, cardstock paper,

 envelopes & another basket holds labels.

and now for all the before and after side by side photo's:

and that's it!  My mom's office organized.  I've slowly been getting more and more of my parents home organized.  If you missed any of the other areas that I did at their place, you can find the links below:

Organized Sewing Room

Organized Knitting/Crocheting Room

Organized Craft Storage Closet

Organized Bathroom Cabinets

and I made this

DIY Photo Wall

at their place too.

That's it for today.  Have a truly Blessed and productive day!

May you be a little inspired!

Until next time,



Back to School Home Organization Ideas


Organizing the Garage (Paint & Paint Supplies)