Below you will find answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. If you don't find your answer here, feel free to email us at delightfulorder(at) and we will be sure to answer your questions as soon as possible.
Q: What are the terms of use for your digital products?
A: Our products are for PERSONAL, non-commercial use only. ©delightfulorder - original work and protected. You can read more about our terms of use right here.
Q: How do I download the files that I purchased?
A: After you purchase an item in the shop, you will receive an email with the download link. Simply follow the instructions and download the file(s) as directed. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.
Q: I made a purchase, but did not receive an email with the download information.
A: Be sure to check your spam box or bulk mail.
Q: How do I unzip the files that I purchased?
A: For windows users: download the attachment. Locate the compressed folder that you want to extract files from. Right click the folder, choose EXTRACT ALL and follow the instructions.
For Mac users: double click on the zip folder or right click and choose extract.
Q: I can't open the PDF files that I purchased, what should I do?
A: To open an PDF you must have Adobe Reader, which is a free download from Adobe.
Q: You sell editable PDF files, what exactly is that?
A: An editable PDF file is a file that is emailed to you to download and type directly into the file before printing. It's so easy! Be sure you have Adobe Reader installed on your computer (as described above.) Simply download the file(s), open the PDF and type directly into the PDF file and print. Easy as that. (Please Note - Mac users need to be sure to open the editable files in Adobe Reader, as Mac's can read a PDF file without needing Adobe Reader, but the editable areas may become off centered if they aren't opened correctly.)
Q: How do I print a PDF file that I purchased from your shop?
A: Our PDF printables can be printed on 8 1/2 x 11 paper from your home or from your local print shop.
Q: How do I print a JPEG or PNG file?
A: You can print a JPEG or PNG file from home or a print shop (Costco, Walmart, Walgreens, Shutterfly, Office Depot, Staples.)
Q: How do I print your JPEG calendar message centers?
A: Purchase the file (the download link will be emailed to you instantly.) Save the file and upload it to your local print shop (be sure to upload it at the highest resolution available.) Then simply order the print from the print shop in the proper size.
Q: How do I print your photo journal cards?
A: Our photo journal cards come as individual (4 x 6) PNG files and (8 1/2 x 11) PDF files. You have a choice on which one you would like to use. Simply print the PDF files on 8 1/2 x 11 paper from home or upload them to your local print shop and cut out the journal cards or if you prefer to print the PNG file, upload them to your local photo print shop (Costco, Walmart, Walgreens) and print them as a 4 x 6 photo. You can also print the PNG files from home, if you have a photo printer.
Q: How do I print a 12x12 digital scrapbook layout?
A: Upload your print (at the highest resolution possible) to a local print shop that will print 12x12 sizes (Costco, and Sam's Club.) You can also print your layout at home if you have a wide format printer.
Q: What would you say is the best way to start becoming more organized?
A: This is, by far, the number one question that I receive. I've been asked this so many times that I wrote a post on where and how to begin organizing your home and life.
Q: How do I decide what bins/baskets I might need?
A: Sometimes it's hard to decide what kind and how many baskets, bins, etc to purchase for a space. I always suggest measuring the space first. Write the measurements down and take the tape measure with you to the store and measure the items right in the store. Often times the baskets have the dimensions on the tags too.
Q: Where do you buy all your baskets and bins?
A: For a while, this was the number one question that I would receive, so I took the time to write an Entire Blog Post on just that.
Q: I saw some pics of rooms re-done or made over or organized for "clients", so does that mean people can hire you for your magnificent skills to help them organize their homes (who are we kidding--their lives!)? If that's the case, how do I find out more about that?
A: I have done a few jobs for clients, but I am not taking on any organization jobs at the time.
Q: Have you done a house tour showcasing your house?
A: At the top of my blog you will see a tab called House Tour. That page will bring you to the tours of the homes that my husband and I have built. I'm continually changing our current house and do keep the tour page updated regularly.
Q: I love your mail organizer, but I can't seem to find the file folders anywhere. Any helpful information would be greatly appreciated.
A: I haven't seen the file folders at Target for a long time now. The folders are made by Real Simple, if that helps at all.
Q: My children are 9 & 7. They bring home a number of papers every week, homework sheets, graded tests, projects, drawings, etc. They are also involved in various sports so have schedules and info about that. Can you suggest tips, direct me to your blog post or whatever to help?
A: I have 4 boys in school and sports too, so I know how it can get. It certainly can be overwhelming at times. That's exactly why I've created my child message center prints. To help calm the clutter of children's paperwork and to keep their schedules organized. You can find all the message center prints that I've designed in my Etsy Shop. Simply add your photo(s) to the print, frame in your favorite glass picture frame and write directly on the glass with a dry or wet erase marker.
Q: I love your child homework area with the wall hooks for backpack. Do you sell the backpack holders?
A: No, I do not sell the backpack holders, BUT I do give you a tutorial on how to make them Right Here.
Q: How do I calm the clutter of papers, magazines and other items that consistently find their way to my kitchen counter?
A: I suggest creating a home command center. I've given many ideas on where to begin in this post here.