Easy Peasy Melted Snowman Cookies

The day before Thanksgiving my sister made these plain sugar cookies and was planning on creating little turkey cookies with the kiddo's on Thanksgiving day.  We never did get to making them and we had all these cookies that needed to get used up.

A couple of days after Thanksgiving I had a small birthday party for my 8 year old and I decided that I wanted to use the sugar cookies. I remembered seeing

this post

on melted snowman cookies.

So I showed it to my sister and she frosted and decorated the cookies.

Now I just realized that we missed a pretty important step.  You need to microwave the marshmallows for about 20 seconds or so. Watch them carefully!  You don't want them to puff up too much, nor do you want them to melt.

As they start to puff up, you are ready to go.

We didn't microwave our marshmallows, and that's why they aren't nice and smooth looking. Oops... :)  The kiddo's still LOVED them though!

All you need is:

1 package Betty Crocker Sugar Cookie Mix (or make your own sugar cookie)

Frosting (we just mixed powdered sugar and water to make ours)

Icing to decorate the cookie (we used gel frosting, because that's what I had)

1. Bake Cookies

2. Melt Marshmallows (the step that we forgot)

3. Decorate

Simple as that!

Easy Melted Snowman Cookies

Another quick reminder!  You still have time to enter our

current giveaway

that is going on NOW... Winner will be announced on Tuesday, December 6th! 

May you be a little inspired!  Until Next Time,


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